Education of the service team about the new series of HIDROMEK backhoe loaders
Constant professional education is more necessary nowadays than ever before. Technology advances at a fast pace and thus requires all people to continuously improve and learn new skills in order to perform their current work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Every company must take care of its employees in terms of providing additional education, which creates a mutual benefit. It is just as important that the employer takes care of its employees as it is that the quality and professional relationship of the supplier towards its representatives is maintained. In addition to the obligation to deliver a high-quality and functional product, the supplier also has the obligation to educate its sales representatives about the functioning, servicing and operation of the delivered products.
U suradnji s našim partnerom, turskim dobavljačem bagera HİDROMEK-om, održali smo stručnu edukaciju o novoj seriji kombinirki HMK K4 102B/S servisnom timu Hidro-rada. Servisni tim detaljno se upoznao s izmjenama i novitetima na novoj seriji strojeva kroz teroijsku i praktičnu nastavu. Detaljnije su se educirali o Perkins 904J stage 5 motorima te turner mjenjačima. Uz vodstvo stručnih trenera prošli su točnu lokaciju mjenjača u Perkins motorima, njegov način rada za razliku od stage 4 motora te učili kako funkcionira rad turner mjenjača, kako se ispravno rastavlja i ponovno sastavlja.
Nove HİDROMEK kombinirke K4 serije povećavaju vašu produktivnost zbog pomno osmišljenih preinaka u dizajnu. U usporedbi sa prethodnom serijom modela 20% su brže i 3% učinkovitije što vam omogućuje da završite više posla u kraćem vremenskom razdoblju. Detaljnije o novoj seriji kombinirki možete pročitati u našoj prethodnoj blog objavi Nove HİDROMEK kombinirke na hrvatskom tržištu.